One Night Only (2025)

Screenwriter / Production Designer

When Birdie, the bassist of a punk rock band finds out their vocalist is leaving to go solo they’re forced to come to terms with the end of the band ten minutes before what will be their last gig.

Wild-Man (2024)

Screenwriter / director

Obsessed with a childhood encounter his family refuses to believe, Patterson leaves his life behind and ventures into the wilderness on a hunt for the mythical “Wild-Man”

Tick tock (2024)

Production Designer

Oliver, a kid of a nervous disposition sits down for his year 11 exams but finds the questions bizarre and confusing. As time slips through his fingers and the clock moves ever forward, Oliver begins to realise things aren’t quite what they seem.

Mountain of Greed (2025)


A Rinky-dink three man gold mining operation strike it rich when the stumble upon a sizeable gold nugget, but tensions begin to rise as feelings of suspicion and greed rear their ugly heads, leading to an epic shoot-out.

Over the Edge (2021)

ScreenWRitter / Director / Producer

Anxious shut-in Felix enlists the brash and daring Rue to teach him to skate, but their two approaches to life and learning clash with unfortunate consequences in a story about friendship and skateboarding.